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It Pays to get a Second Opinion

It Pays to Get a Second Opinion

Article by Personal Injury Lawyer, Ivan Baxter.

June, 2022

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Ivan Baxter, Director of O’SheaDyer Solicitors, is the senior lawyer in charge of our Personal Injuries Department. He has been representing the interests of clients who have been injured for over 30 years.


Go with your gut.

Over the years I have seen numerous clients who have been to see a lawyer and have been told they don’t have a claim. In all of those cases, they did.

All of these people had a gut feeling that they had been given the wrong advice. My advice is – be guided by your gut and if something doesn’t sit right or feel right – find an experienced lawyer and get a second opinion.

Recently, a woman came to see me for a free appointment to get a second opinion about her situation. She had suffered an injury at work but had been told by a lawyer some time ago that she didn’t have a claim.

In this case, she had ongoing symptoms and pain, and her employer had terminated her employment. There was a complication in that the time limit for making a claim had elapsed. We spent some time talking about what had happened and asked lots of questions. We explored her situation fully and it turned out, that while it was complicated, she did in fact have a successful claim which made a significant difference to improving the quality of her life.  

Experience makes a difference.

It can often be the case, in work accidents, that things can be complicated. Some lawyers are not experienced enough to know a viable claim can be made.

Having an experienced lawyer, who works exclusively in compensation law can make a real difference for people.

Some like it to be easy.

Sadly, some lawyers are after the simple claims that are easier to progress and resolve.  They may tell you don’t have a claim when they would do you a service to be honest and tell you, you may have a claim, but go see someone else as I don’t want to do it. 

It’s worth spending a bit of time finding an experienced lawyer who will listen and empathise with your situation. This is the lawyer who will go in to bat for you.

It’s a good idea to speak to 2 or 3 lawyers when you are first getting advice about a possible compensation claim.

Get a second opinion.

If you are told you don’t have a claim – and it just doesn’t sit right – go get a second opinion - from an experienced lawyer.

Find a lawyer who won’t charge you for this.

Just because one lawyer tells you don’t have a claim, doesn’t mean you don’t! 

Ivan Baxter is a Townsville lawyer with over 30 years’ experience. He is the Director of OSheaDyer Solicitors Townsville and practices exclusively in Litigation, managing compensation claims.


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