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A Pickle of a Tickle

I sit next to Bridget and Shelleigh sits next to me. Shelleigh’s son Jasper went fishing the other week and Shelleigh thought it sweet to share with us the photos from the venture.

Jasper evidentially caught his first Toadie/Toad Fish/Tetractenos Glaberand and the first question Shell asked her next of kin was,

Did you give him a tickle?

If you missed out on a childhood and never caught a Toadie: When you tickle their throat they blow up like a pufferfish and flap around, stressed as heck, tickled straight into a good, old fashioned, traditional pickle. Beard hair stands erect, eyes bulge like stuffed olives and their mouths are permanently opened to the size of an Allen’s freckle.

Upon hearing about this, Bridget frowned. As it turns out Bridget has a real passion for the Toadies of Australia. Her eyes watered and her voice wobbled as she explained the torture of the tickle.

Apparently someone dignified has researched the phenomenon extensively and this amusing practise can actually affect the metabolic system of the fish for a number of days subsequent to the incident. We’re all laughing but the poor fish has been floating through the Pacific; too buoyant to take a breather. His little bowels are failing, his eyes are popping out of his head, which at this point is also his body and he’s having a fully fashioned Nervy B as the seagulls swoop overhead.

As far-fetched as this metaphor has become, not quite unlike toad fish (however, hopefully more attractive) we often can’t comprehend the effect of an injury over someone’s life.

Suffering an injury that leaves you changed due to the negligence of another can be the most challenging and difficult experience of your life. You quite literally feel like you’re floating in the Pacific, gasping.

So make sure - when you find a Townsville lawyer to help you - you find one that really knows what they are doing.

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